Work at Supersimple

Work at Supersimple

We’re building the future of data. For this, we’re constantly looking for amazing people to join the team.

Check out our open roles, or keep reading to first understand what we’re all about.


Supersimple helps humans understand data.

Through those humans, we help companies understand & get truly actionable insights from their data. It’s like BI, but instead of building pretty little charts and dashboards to feel good, it’s actually used to find things that matter.

At the centre of making this happen lies our so-called insight engine. We first scour our customers’ data to identify any patterns, trends, anomalies, correlations or discrepancies.

Then, we use these findings to point the user in the right direction and guide them at every step of their data exploration journey thereafter. Much like an in-house data team would (if they had one).

Who are we building this for?

The problems we’re solving are universal – pretty much every company out there sucks at actually squeezing value out of the bucketloads of data they’ve got.

Our customers are startups with loads of complex data scattered across their own databases, analytics tools, spreadsheets, CRMs and more.

Supersimple exists to help companies create value in the world (as opposed to creating charts).

Along the way, we intend to completely reshape what people think of when they think about “working with data”.


There are also some things you should know about working at Supersimple.

Caring about product & customers

We’re not building this just to make cool tech happen. We’re building this to make our customers’ work lives (and entire companies) better.

So, more than anything, we hope to see you excited about building product, and making our customers love us. This is (and they are) why we exist.

And we really do want Supersimple to be loved by customers. This means putting a lot of emphasis on the user experience. It means putting in the work to not just cram in features, but make it feel nice, and for it to make sense.

We’re working to make something as unsexy as data be approachable and exciting, and every little bit of “nice” helps.

Wait, this doesn’t sound suuuuper-simple

We’ve indeed got a bunch of epic technical & product challenges ahead of us. Finding nuggets of gold from data is a tough nut to crack on its own. Automating the process, and making everything simple even for non-technical people is even harder.

This is what makes it fun.

Wellness + getting stuff done

We care about you doing meaningful work to push Supersimple forward while staying healthy & sane. Yep, providing health benefits is a part of this.

Our bet here is that motivated, well-rested and focused people do their best work – and not overworked zombies. Zombies are bad business. Ironically, brains are good (for) business.


Our compensation package is top of market. We also want the team to own the business in a significant way through equity. Salary and equity are linked to each other, and depending on your preferences, we can lean more heavily in one direction or the other. As an early joiner, you can expect to receive a significant chunk of the pie either way.

Sounds interesting?

We’ve got two roles that we’re actively hiring for. If Supersimple excites you but neither of those seems right, feel free to get in touch anyway! We need a lot of different skills on board as we grow.

Founding Product Engineer

Work full-stack to create the data exploration experience that dreams are made of.

Founding ML Engineer

Experiment & build to help customers find nuggets of gold from their data through AI.

Applying to Supersimple is super simple* – drop a line or two about yourself and/or what excites you: hi (at) or click “Apply” on a specific role’s page.

*you can expect to hear a lot of Supersimple puns. Sorry.

Short job descriptions